Companies I’ve Worked With Include

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“Geneve is a high performing professional and competent financial advisor. Geneve streamlined and cleaned up our books, as well as guided us in our pricing model to ensure we are profitable as we transition from a start-up phase into a scale phase. Her guidance and expertise has been invaluable to our company!”

Jennifer Lewis, Vice President

“Geneve has proven to be a trustworthy guide, steering us in the direction our business needed to go in order to move it to the next level of profitability. Before working with Geneve, we struggled to identify priorities and were hesitant to adjust our business strategies. Now we confidently set goals and are able to identify and complete the steps necessary to meet them.”

Kateri Gabriele, CEO

“Geneve’s business optimization services were a tremendous help to our large non-profit organization. She took our complex AR discounts and allowances process and streamlined it to the point where it just needed a few simple inputs from our team, and her process did the rest. The solution she produced was robust enough to deal with large data sets in an elaborate general ledger, but flexible enough to allow us to easily make exceptions when unique situations arise. The ROI on her work was outstanding as it has already saved us dozens of hours of work, and will continue to do so in the future. Geneve was able to understand our process and its challenges quickly, and produced solutions independently so our team could continue our day to day work. I would strongly recommend Geneve’s services for anybody looking to solve a complex issue or optimize an existing process.”

Trevor Nash, Senior Accountant

“I was fortunate to work with Geneve while she was providing consulting services for Agfinity, Inc. We were both consultants as we worked through the 2018 year-end close and audit. When I started, Geneve had already begun a process to improve internal communications through weekly team meetings, which began a dramatic shift and improvement in the culture. This enabled the company to make a number of process changes to improve efficiency as well as the reliability of the financial information. I highly recommend Geneve and her ability to determine and implement process improvements!”

Mary Kurth, Controller

“Geneve has helped us at Select Roofing Contractors to clean up our financial books and she made them more user-friendly for us. Her guidance and professionalism with our employees helped streamline data entry and improved the accessibility of our financial statements. Her consulting and financial guidance helped us save money and qualify for more bidding opportunities.” 

Zack Stanevich, Co-Founder & Manager

“By far, the best decision we made in the last year (or since the inception of our company, even!) was to hire Geneve.  Her guidance around helping us understand our company’s finances, setting and achieving our goals, and getting our processes set up was instrumental in getting us to where we are today.  We never would have gotten so far in our business without her education and help.”

Roxanne Holthaus, Co-Founder

“Working with Geneve has been a great opportunity to learn areas within our business and software to improve. Geneve has also been able to connect us with the right qualified people when she feels they will be able to help our business either operationally or strategically.”

Chris Lawson, Founder & Owner

“Geneve’s services have been a valuable asset to our company as we improve our growing company’s financial discipline and accountability.”

David Woodward, Founder and President

“Geneve is a highly competent finance and accounting professional who delivers positive results. She was able to assist Agfinity at an important time leading into our fiscal year-end audit. Geneve helped establish accounting processes that leveraged the technology that Agfinity had invested in, all while building the team and bringing them together to accomplish our goals.”

Jason Brancel, Chief Executive Officer

“With the help of Huxley CPA Consulting, all of our issues have been corroborated or corrected, procedures have been installed to keep pace with our growth, and, most importantly, the constant worry that we might have missed something, is gone.”

Brent Burns, President

“We took advantage of her superb Excel skills and contracted with her to build a complex model for our contributions receivable discounts and allowances. I am confident that Geneve’s technical skills, experience, and aptitude for critical thinking will be very beneficial to a wide variety of businesses.”

Scott Dunn, AVP/Controller

“By far, the best decision we made in the last year (or since the inception of our company, even!) was to hire Geneve.  Her guidance around helping us understand our company’s finances, setting and achieving our goals, and getting our processes set up was instrumental in getting us to where we are today.  We never would have gotten so far in our business without her education and help.”

Roxanne Holthaus, Co-Founder


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